This 6-month coaching experience emphasizes clarity, action, and accountability, as well as stacking your wins to change your thoughts, beliefs, and habits. 

In 20-minute sessions, you FOCUS on one thing you want to change and leave with a game plan for your ACTION

Once you complete that action, you book your next session, booking as many as you want to achieve your targets. 

This unique way of laser coaching gets you out of your story and limitations and into what’s possible, most importantly, taking action on that possibility. 

By having access to Susan as your coach and guide, you will set attainable action steps and experience shifts quickly.

Benefits of Laser Coaching with Susan:
  • Let go of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habits
    • Rewrite Old Stories and Limitations
    • Time is focused on what you want, not the stories that led to your current results

  • Clarity
    • How to change
    • What you really want
    • Actionable step to transform /create the desired change

  • Action
    • Stackable wins
    • Honoring your word to yourself by doing the thing you said you would do
      • This changes the energy and outlook on what is possible. It feels good to know that you are actively participating in the change you seek.

  • Accountability
    • Unique setup has built-in accountability with Susan
    • This helps create self-accountability, which then creates deeper self-trust because you are honoring your word to yourself

  • Forward Momentum and Consistency
    • Rather than staying in the joy of failure where you are complicit in staying stuck, you are willing to get uncomfortable and create the change you’re asking for

  • Genuine Care
    • Susan is by your side cheering you along the way.
    • If you get stuck, this is a judgment-free zone and together, you’ll get curious and reset your traction to keep moving forward

Why is now the time to Laser Coach with Susan:

Laser coaching pre-paves the future of what you desire by carving out a simple path forward rather than getting stuck. 

  • Many people tell themselves that taking action on their future with “I’ll get to it.” But when. The time is now. Creating change is uncomfortable because you have to let go of what you know - the familiar. 

Laser coaching with Susan is a unique setup with built-in accountability. It supports you in taking congruent action quickly without the old stories holding you back. 

  • You step into an environment of support and deep care - Susan care's about what you are creating and is by your side the entire time. 

What stops people is that they have approached change with the attitude of “I’ll get to it,” and it stacks up. Soon, you have a closet full of “I’ll get to it,” and then you don’t do any of it. 

  • Throughout the six months, you are building the innate habit of creating the greatest of all possibilities. This changes the trajectory of your life, what you think is possible, and what you keep creating. 

Instead of wondering, “Will it work this time?” You look at yourself, your life, and what you want and know that you can do it. 

Melody's Success with Laser Coaching with Susan: 

"Life is sooo good! I am starting my internship in September until June (online & part-time), and at the end of it, I will be strongly rooted in Bowen’s Family Systems Theory. I will have completed all the counseling supervision hours required to have the credentials of RCC behind my name. I will be officially recognized as a Registered Clinical Counselor, opening even bigger doors and opportunities as an actual therapist. 

Sooo excited! A busy time, and so very grateful for all of this finally coming to fruition in my life! Dreams and wishes really can come true, if only you believe and take action. Thank you, Susan. I am so very grateful for who you are in my life. Thank you for always reminding me of who I truly am and who I can truly be. Thank you for nudging me when I veer off track and for always guiding me back into my lane." 

" This is the power of laser coaching. With someone like Susan by your side, who can see through your stories and help you move forward into a new reality of possibilities, little tweaks and small actions can lead to significant changes. The universe rewards action, and I am living proof of that."

Laser Coaching Client

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1800.00)$1800.00
  • Preferred option
    6 Monthly Payments ($305.00/month)6x $305.00

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6-Month Laser Coaching$0

  • Total payment
  • 1x6-Month Laser Coaching$0

All prices in USD